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An Independent GlobalGreen Insurance Agency® Franchise

Classic Car Insurance

Whether you possess a perfectly restored showpiece or lovingly rebuilt your baby from scratch, at GlobalGreen Insurance Agency in Texas, we know it's more than just a car to you. It's your pride and joy. Your passion.

To protect your vehicle, the insurance process is a little different. Since it's an antique, repairs are both complicated and expensive. You'll need classic car insurance instead of the standard type.

What is Classic Car Insurance?

To understand this type of insurance, you must know what a classic car's definition is in Texas. Just because your car is old, it doesn't make it automatically a classic. This specific term refers to a vehicle between 10 and 24 years old with historical interest. If your car is over 25 years old, it is an antique.

The marketplace values these types of cars differently. Since classic cars are older, standard insurance doesn't evaluate them on their true market value. So, if you get into an accident with your classic car, chances are you'll end up paying for any differences out of your pocket for replacements and repairs.

Classic car insurance is a specialized type of coverage. It evaluates the true value of these vehicles and provides the necessary coverage for them.

Is My Vehicle Eligible for Classic Car Insurance?

Your vehicle needs to do more than meet the age qualification for classic car insurance. Other important criteria include the following:

Texans love their classic cars. Contact us today and let us help you insure your classic car with a company that loves it much as you do!